Comprehensive Role-Based Training for Clinical Research Professionals

Barnett International's Core Curriculum courses are comprehensive role-based clinical research training programs designed to provide industry professionals with hands-on training in a dynamic virtual setting. Held four times a year during our “Clinical Research Training Weeks,” courses offer clinical research-focused, performance-based training and core competency development.

Regulatory Strategy 101

Course Description

Drug development is getting more expensive by the year and a sound regulatory strategy can make or break a drug or biologic’s ability to initiate and support clinical trials or obtain marketing approval. Knowing what to research, review, negotiate and include in the regulatory strategy differs by company; however, basic requirements include:

  • Target product profile/draft package insert
  • Past precedence review
  • Clinical endpoints
  • Competitor label analysis
  • FDA interactions planning

As a regulatory professional develops their skill set, knowing how to create and implement a regulatory strategy is critical to career advancement. This session will walk participants through a case study for a hypothetical Type 2 Diabetes drug that has just been developed and the process of creating a regulatory strategy. The session will:

  • Define regulatory strategy
  • Provide an overview of regulatory strategy elements, by phase of development and discipline
  • Illustrate how to research and pull together a strategy
  • Planning regulatory strategy in Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3
  • How to adapt and update a strategy as information changes

Participants will walk away with a strategy toolbox they can immediately apply to their jobs.   

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the elements of regulatory strategy
  • Understand the questions that need to be addressed when developing a regulatory strategy,by phase and discipline
  • Locate and use available tools that can aid in developing regulatory strategy
  • Summarize the data and perform strategic analysis once the data is identified
  • Determine the output and format of strategic information after analysis into a “playbook”

Who Should Attend

  • Mid-level regulatory professionals who have 3-5 years regulatory experience and are looking to learn the “next level” of regulatory, beyond submission preparation
  • Any other drug development team member that would like to learn more about regulatory strategy


Joy Frestedt, Ph.D., C.P.I., R.A.C., F.R.A.P.S.

Click here for complete trainer biographies

Course Outline

Day 1: 8:30a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

  • What is regulatory strategy? 
  • What makes good strategic qualities? 
  • How to perform strategic analysis 
  • Component of strategic analysis
    • Questions to be answered by discipline and phase 
    • The tools to answer questions (free and for fee)
      • History of indication 
      • Clinical endpoints 
      • Past precedence 
      • Planning FDA interactions 
    • Summarizing the information 
    • Analysis 
    • Format and output examples 
    • Presentation to the team (let format follow information)
  • Land mines (how to plan for them or mitigate as much risk as possible)
  • Updates and monitoring the regulatroy landscape
  • Performing strategy at different phases of investigation and how it differs

Interactive Activities

  • Using a mock indication and regulatory intelligence tools, research sections of the regulatory strategy
  • How to use templates to summarize components of the strategy
  • How to formalize regulatory’s portion of the strategy into a “playbook"

Registration Fees

Registration fees include assorted breakfast items that will be available each day ½ hour prior to the start of the seminar. Also included is a Networking Lunch that will be served each training day.

Special rates are available for multiple attendees from the same organization.  Contact Melissa Dolen at 781-972-5418 to discuss your options and take advantage of the savings.

Click here for our seminar cancellation policy

Accreditation Information

ACPE LogoBarnett International is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.  Participants will receive 7 hours (0.7 CEUs) of continuing education credit for full participation, including the completion of a pre-test, post-test and program evaluation.  Barnett International will mail ACPE statements within three weeks of program completion.  ACPE# 0778-0000-13-048-L01-P. Released 9/13.

Hold this course at your company!

For more information, contact Naila Ganatra at (215) 413-2471.

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