Comprehensive Role-Based Training for Clinical Research Professionals

Barnett International's Core Curriculum courses are comprehensive role-based clinical research training programs designed to provide industry professionals with hands-on training in a dynamic virtual setting. Held four times a year during our “Clinical Research Training Weeks,” courses offer clinical research-focused, performance-based training and core competency development.

Writing for Clinical Research

Course Description

This course provides the practical skills needed to write better sentences and paragraphs, which are the building blocks of protocols, reports, and manuscripts. Participants discover how to improve their writing skills and to create documents that meet regulatory requirements and are reader-friendly. Using as references The Code of Federal Regulations, The ICH Consolidated Guideline for Good Clinical Practice, and The ICH Guideline for the Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports, participants gain practical experience applying the rules of grammar and punctuation.

Learning Objectives

  • Integrate writing as both a structured and a creative process
  • Use grammar and punctuation rules correctly
  • Create clear, concise content
  • Draft documents that are reader-friendly and that comply with the regulations
  • Develop and use tools and checklists to promote clarity, appropriateness, and completeness in your documents

Who Should Attend

  • New Medical Writers, Clinical Research Associates, Medical Monitors, Biostatisticians, Clinical Scientists, and Other Clinical Research Professionals who want to learn practical techniques for more powerful writing


The course will be led by one of the following instructors:

Karen Gilbert, B.S., C.C.R.A.
Nancy Katz, Ph.D.

Click here for complete trainer biographies

Course Outline

Day 1: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

  • Writing: Introductions and expectations; diagnostic writing pretest: biomedical communications and ICH; writing as a process (prewriting: considering the audience; gathering information and developing the content; outlining; writing)
  • Writing Effectively: Rewriting: grammar review (parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, clauses, conjunctions, modifiers; paragraphs; unity; coherence); word usage: wordiness, word choice

Day 2: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

  • Writing Effectively: Punctuation: commas, semicolons, colons, hyphens; logic and effectiveness: subject-verb agreement, dangling, misplaced, and confused modifiers, parallelism, faulty shifts in construction, the hierarchy of emphasis; miscellany: capitalization, numbers, lists, editing, proofreading; preparing manuscripts for publication

Interactive Activities

  • Revising and Recasting Sentences and Paragraphs
  • Selecting Appropriate Sentence Transitions
  • Increasing Impact by Eliminating Labels and Fillers, Redundancies and Jargon
  • Using Punctuation Correctly and Effectively
  • Avoiding Common Grammar Pitfalls

Registration Fees

Registration fees include assorted breakfast items that will be available each day ½ hour prior to the start of the seminar. Also included is a Networking Lunch that will be served each training day.

Special rates are available for multiple attendees from the same organization.  Contact Elizabeth Andrews at 781-972-5418 to discuss your options and take advantage of the savings.

Click here for our seminar cancellation policy

Accreditation Information

ACPE LogoBarnett International is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.  Participants will receive 15 hours (1.5 CEUs) of continuing education credit for full participation, including the completion of a pre-test, post-test and program evaluation.  Barnett International will mail ACPE statements within three weeks of program completion.  ACPE# 0778-0000-09-016-L01-P. Released: 8/09.

Hold this course at your company!

For more information, contact Naila Ganatra at (215) 413-2471.

Upcoming Courses