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Archive: Investigator Selection Criteria & Strategies

Course #: BI10761
January 31, 2012

Course Description

Investigator selection is one of the most critical tasks facing clinical research professionals in today’s compliance-driven environment. Yet the task is often performed with inadequate time and resources by individuals who are facing multiple competing projects and timelines. How can you better ensure the identification of the best qualified investigator candidates to ensure overall study success? By developing a strategy for an investigator selection process which includes the following: A detailed and study-specific investigator profile, a truly effective site feasibility questionnaire, leveraging existing staff members’ unique skill sets, and strategies for maximizing the value of site evaluation/selection visits.

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Learning Objectives

  • Describe the necessary elements of an investigator profile
  • Compare and contrast the traditional site interest questionnaire and the true site feasibility questionnaire
  • Identify the skill sets that complement various phases of site evaluation
  • Implement strategies for maximizing on-site evaluation/selection visits

Who Should Attend

  • Clinical Research Associates
  • Pharma/Device Professionals with responsibility for investigator selection
  • Clinical Research Associate Managers
  • Clinical Investigators and Site Staff


Karen Gilbert, B.S., C.C.R.A.

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Hold this course at your company! For more information, contact Naila Ganatra at +1 215.413.2471.

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