Web Seminars for Clinical Research Professionals
A Barnett Interactive Web Seminar offers you a seamless, secure, multimedia learning experience. These live, instructor-led sessions are designed to be highly interactive, and can be attended by individual attendees or groups at one low cost. No travel, no travel expenses, and no time away from the office!
Best Practices for Hosting a Client Audit
Hosting a client audit can be a stressful experience for all involved when there is a lack of preparation, communication, and understanding of expectations for the audit. As the audit host, there are ways to gain a sense of control in your work environment while providing the auditor(s) with the best audit experience possible. Meeting their audit needs while reducing unnecessary lost work time and increased stress by the company being audited can be accomplished by way of audit preparation efficiencies. In this web seminar, we will discuss preparation techniques for hosting a client audit including room staging, strategies for responding to audit requests, and the audit follow-up process. During the course, learners will walk through the process for hosting a client audit, discuss the various roles and responsibilities, as well as review strategies for successful audit results.
- Describe the potential roles involved in hosting a client audit
- Utilize preparation techniques for hosting a client audit and how to prepare the group/person(s) being audited
- List typical documentation requested during client audits
- Explore options in staging at the host facility
- Implement strategies for responding to audit requests
- Utilize best practices in audit follow-up that will result in reduced audit observations
- Quality Assurance Managers and Auditors
- Functional Group Members
- Personnel participating in an audit
Treena Jackson, M.S., C.Q.A, R.A.C, C.S.S.G.
Click here for complete trainer biographies
Includes up to 20 participants at one site. All participants (up to 20) are eligible for “Certificates of Attendance,” and accreditation, provided that accreditation requirements are met. For groups larger than 20 or for additional sites, please call 1-800-856-2556 for pricing.
Barnett International is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. Participants will receive 1.5 hours (0.15 CEUs) of continuing education credit for full participation, including the completion of a pre-test, post-test, and program evaluation. Barnett International will mail ACPE statements within three weeks of program completion. ACPE#: 0778-0000-13-060-L01-P. Released: 11/13.
Hold this course at your company! For more information, contact Naila Ganatra at (215) 413-2471.
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